Master's in Cyber Security

Ten Time-Management Apps For Adult Students

For students pursuing an online degree, time is of the essence. Deadlines are apparent and, often times, consequential whether in class, work or everyday life. Time management can help cyber security students studying for bachelor’s or master’s degrees successfully organize school, work and home. App Prerequisites Among the many options, choosing the right apps for your needs is key. Start by determining where you need help: adding items to a calendar, checking the calendar in advance, breaking projects into more manageable tasks, avoiding distraction, setting priorities, or motivating yourself. Time-management apps fall into three broad categories: those that help users […]

Public WiFi Protection Against Ghost Phishing (And Other Threats)

Public WiFi is a convenient way to stay connected wherever you go, but it can also provide easy access for unscrupulous hackers unless proper security measures are taken. And even with appropriate protection, a determined hacker can still gain access to private information. Wireless access points are not always what they seem. Experienced hackers can emulate a WiFi access point on their own computer and force you to connect to the internet through them rather than through the public WiFi router. Malicious hackers can even force your computer to switch to their access point without you even noticing. The process […]

3 Critical Steps to Keep Your Business Secure Online

Incidents involving cybersecurity are hard to accurately track by their nature – hackers and digital fraud organizations don’t tend to be very transparent regarding their business activities. Legitimate enterprises and governments, however, routinely release such information, and therefore have made it clear that cybersecurity initiatives are among the top funding priorities for companies in every industry. Small-business owners and entrepreneurs may underestimate their risk of falling prey to these digital threats. As with any external risk, a lack of active security measures addressing online theft or fraud is equivalent to painting a bullseye for criminals. Fortunately, simply taking account of […]

Leading Cyber Security Frameworks and Standards

Lloyds Banking Group reports an estimated cost of $400 billion in global cyber attacks annually, and no one is immune. Some of the organizations that you would think are most secure, like the Israeli Power Grid Authority and the Irish National Lottery, were cyber attack victims in 2016. News organizations like BBC and CNN were also not immune. With hacking and global cyber attacks becoming ongoing issues, employers need to hire cyber security experts well versed in the latest standards, frameworks and protocol. What Should You Know About Cyber Security Frameworks? Users need improved analytics capabilities to determine their vulnerabilities […]

9 Essential Steps For Building Your LinkedIn Cybersecurity Profile – And Getting Noticed By Top Companies

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 209,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs in the United States. Internationally, the numbers are even more staggering. According to the Global Information Security Workforce Study, the shortage of trained and qualified cybersecurity professionals around the world is projected to reach 1.8 million by 2022. Demand in this field is booming for many reasons. Cybersecurity is still an emerging field, and with the rapid digital transformation over the past 20 years, the supply of qualified professionals doesn’t match the increased demand. Technology becomes more advanced each day, which means criminal hackers are constantly […]

E-Fencing: Who Does It, What It Is And How To Fight It

A fence specializes in the sale of stolen goods, buying from thieves and selling to (often) unsuspecting buyers at a higher price. E-fencing involves selling stolen goods or information online through marketplaces ranging from mainstream sites such as Ebay or Amazon to gray-area avenues including Craigslist or private social network groups to secret marketplaces on the deep web. Despite the challenges of policing online marketplaces, security experts and web developers are implementing measures that will make selling stolen goods online more difficult. Who Steals What, And How Do They Fence It? Thieves steal to make money, and they quickly learn […]

Ethical Hacking and Morality: The Gray Area

Ethical hacking, sometimes known as penetration testing, involves purposeful hacking into a computer network by a qualified data security expert to test for vulnerabilities within a system’s critical infrastructure. A certified penetration tester with the full knowledge of all parties involved is typically under contract to perform the audit. Business, commerce, financial transactions, records, and communication are almost all web- or cloud-based now. Hackers utilize their skills to bypass safety protocols and enter secure networks to install malicious software or steal money, goods, and sensitive information. They can change records, exploit weaknesses, and otherwise wreak havoc on businesses, computer users, […]

Protecting Your Identity and Credit Information During The Holidays

The holiday shopping season is an annual bonanza for consumers, businesses, and the national bottom line. In 2020, shoppers spent a record $14 billion on Thanksgiving and Black Friday, according to Forbes. Data from Adobe Digital Index, which reports on digital marketing trends for senior executives, indicates that Cyber Monday injected close to $11 billion into the economy, a 15.1% increase over the year before. Some 37% of cyber sales originated from mobile devices. As pleased as shoppers and retailers may have been, another group also made out like bandits on the biggest shopping days of the year: hackers and […]

The Top Cybersecurity Breaches of the Last Decade

A data breach can cost a company millions of dollars and ruin its reputation among its customers. Many data breaches have occurred over the last decade with varying degrees of impact. According to cybersecurity expert and Maryville University alumna Mary Heger ’86, every business must create its own response plan after a data breach, and the resulting liability varies depending on the circumstances. Learning from other companies that have experienced cybersecurity breaches can help future businesses protect themselves and their customers. Data Breach at eBay Compromised 145 Million Records Many cybersecurity breaches prove particularly impactful because of their size. For example, The Huffington […]

Understanding Global Cybersecurity

“The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow,” Microsoft founder Bill Gates once noted. As the “town square,” the place where people from across the world interact, the internet depends on strong global cybersecurity measures. While some nations have made important strides in cybersecurity, others have not made as much progress. Cybersecurity Attacks Threaten Organizations Around the World Few nations may feel safe from cybersecurity attacks. According to the 2015 Global Cybersecurity Status Report conducted by ISACA, formerly the Information Systems Audit and Control Association, 83 percent of the 3,400 ISACA members in 129 countries polled […]