
Three Future Network Technology Trends Engineers Should Know About

Network technology is constantly changing and, as a result, changing the way people live and do business. Consider cellphones: As news of fifth-generation (5G) cellular networks spreads, U.S. wireless technology companies are gearing up to spend more than $275 billion to respond to this communications innovation. Network technology is a key driver of economic growth and development, and CTIA (formerly the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association) predicts $500 billion in economic growth as a result of network changes. How does the network technology revolution affect the future job market? Businesses and organizations increasingly rely on network technology, and network engineers play […]

Marketing Opportunities in the Future of Retail

You’ve probably seen the headlines declaring that retail is dead. Publications like The Wall Street Journal documented the downfall of the American mall in 2017. Even major retail brands such as Payless, Charlotte Russe, Chico’s, and The Gap have announced they will be closing hundreds of stores in the next few years. Though this retail loss is sending shockwaves throughout the industry, other experts are seeing it as an inevitable result of not adapting to changes in the shopping experience. After all, people are still buying products at a healthy rate. In fact, the National Retail Federation forecasts that retail […]

Maryville University Online Transfer Credit Information Session

Transcript Angelica Frias: Hello everyone. Welcome to Maryville University. Maryville University’s Online transfer credit information session. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to participate. My name is Angelica Frias, and I will be your moderator for today. Before we begin, I have a few logistics I want to cover. First, you are in listen mode only, so the presentation is being broadcast through your speakers to avoid any background noise. Second, please feel free to ask questions as we go along. Angelica Frias: You can do so by typing into the Q&A box at the left […]

Being Brave in Record Numbers

At Maryville, we’ve been bucking the educational status quo for nearly 150 years — and we continue that trend even today. Thanks to our innovative, students-first approach to education, we’ve seen record growth in the past five years. At a time when most colleges are seeing a decline in enrollment, take a look at how ours continues to climb at an unprecedented rate. To learn more, check out the infographic below created by Maryville University   Add This Infographic to Your Site <p style="clear:both;margin-bottom:20px;"><a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="MVU brand growth vs. market infographic" style="max-width:100%;" /></a></p><p style="clear:both;margin-bottom:20px;"><a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Maryville University […]

Maryville’s Approach to Technology and Higher Education in the Digital Age

Advances in technology have always impacted the way we manage our daily lives and experiences, but today’s innovations have ushered in a new era in the way we work, study, and live. At Maryville, we’re committed to using technology in the smartest and most impactful ways, integrating it into every layer of your experience. When you choose to pursue your education here, you have access to tech that not only supports your learning journey, but also helps improve your day-to-day life and prepare you for your future. “If colleges and universities are to put students on the path to success, […]

How Technological Advancements Will Shape the Future of Journalism

The field of journalism is changing rapidly. Desktops have been replaced by laptops and notebook computers. The internet has created vast new sources of content linked around the world. News organizations like the Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times have started to use artificial intelligence to generate automated content, tag digital text, and reformat articles. As technology advances, news outlets continue to rely on journalists to cover everything from breaking news to local events, including forums on public policy, board of education meetings, and elections. Technology may be shaping the future of journalism, but it won’t replace the need […]

Future Communications Trends: An In-Depth Look

While social media has skyrocketed in popularity, it is also the least trusted source of all media platforms when looking for general news and information, according to Edelman’s 2018 Trust Barometer. A company’s key to gaining trust and finding success lies in how it communicates information. Edelman notes that social media channels are where consumers are most likely to discover and “fall in love” with brands; on the flip side, social media channels are where consumers are likely to see and hear things that cause them to walk away from their preferred brands. As Entrepreneur notes, companies that want to […]

Teachable Moments: What’s in Store for the Future Educators of America?

From replacing chalkboards with smartboards to swapping textbooks for tablets, technological innovations are transforming education and the way students learn. Not only are the tools and technologies inside the classroom changing, but the classroom environment itself is shifting. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 21.1% of public schools offer at least one course entirely online. These changes affect future students, and they also impact the future educators of America. This is a growing professional field, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) anticipating 9% more education, training, and library jobs between 2016 and 2026. There are […]

The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Work and Everyday Life

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already a part of everyday life, from wearable health technology like smart watches and voice assistants to self-driving cars and chat bots. And this trend is only expected to continue growing. In fact, according to the Brookings Institution, in just over a decade, AI will outperform humans in a variety of tasks, from writing essays to retail work. The future of AI will feature a shift of traditionally human-driven operations to work performed by automated computers. The predicted impact of artificial intelligence on people, business, and industry in coming years is profound, and while some may […]

The Future of Data Science and Important Skills for Data Scientists

Data science is an exciting field that includes machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), data cleansing, and the preparation and analysis of massive sets of information (big data). Data scientists transform this data into valuable insights and actionable steps that improve business operations and outcomes. The role of data scientist has become highly sought after in the U.S. In fact, it was named the “best job in America,” in Glassdoor’s 2018 rankings. Earning a data science bachelor degree online can be a great way to seek a position in this growing field. Trends in Data Science Important skills for data scientists are equally […]