
Mental Health Resources for College Students

Starting college requires a shift in priorities, and coping with mental health issues can be a challenge. When it comes to managing day-to-day life while attending college online, students need to prioritize their well-being. This means adopting healthy habits, avoiding stress-inducing activities, and communicating with others about how they’re feeling. Anxiety has become a serious challenge for people of all ages and backgrounds, and college students are no exception. This guide will help you examine your concerns, determine where you can get a mental health screening, and learn how to access additional resources. Times of transition demand that individuals learn how […]

Resources to Prepare for Grad School

Choosing to attend graduate school is an important step for your future, academically, professionally, and personally. Obtaining an advanced degree can enrich your life with new opportunities, open up different career options, and allow you to grow as a person. However, going to grad school shouldn’t be taken lightly. It is a big decision that will affect many aspects of your life. Graduate school takes a lot of time and effort before you can even start applying. But if you are serious about attending, you can ensure a successful experience by preparing carefully each step of the way. Whether you’re […]

College Guide for LGBTQ+ Students

Finding the right school is important for every prospective student, but those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or queer and other sexual identities (LGBTQ+) face further challenges when choosing a college. In addition to obstacles that all students face, like researching different majors and obtaining financial aid, students who are LGBTQ+ benefit from finding a school with a community that is accepting of their identity and supportive of their unique needs. Whether you need help navigating the college application process from start to finish or are looking for solutions and resources to a specific problem, this guide […]

The Online Students’ Research Toolkit

Academic research has seen a lot of changes in the past couple decades. Many students don’t have the know-how to find reputable, academic research topics and sources. Next to figuring out how to pay for college, learning how to conduct effective online research is one of the biggest hurdles for undergraduate students. If you find yourself in this situation, this research guide by Maryville University can help you find the student resources needed to succeed. Those looking for strategies for finding information online, properly citing sources, searching for authoritative research, or evaluating sources to determine if they are suitable for […]

A Guide to Creating an Ergonomic Workstation for Studying

For students, creating a mentally and physically ideal study space can also be critical for academic performance, time management, and even memory. As such, the items that you choose for your home office or study space should be designed to promote your health while enhancing your productivity. The truth is, lack of movement (or sedentarism) is equally as damaging as having the wrong chair. A report by CNBC confirms this, going as far as to suggest that sitting in an office chair is worse for your health than smoking, killing more people than HIV. Sedentarism is impacting a whole new generation of […]

Bachelor’s and Master’s in Cyber Security Information Session

Are you seeking your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Cyber Security? This is the perfect information session for those seeking to obtain or finish their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree online, at your convenience. Learn more about admission, tuition, and an overview of available online courses for Cyber Security’s Bachelor’s and Master’s degree program. Transcript Ruth S.:                Good evening everyone. Thank you for joining us today to speak about our online Masters of Science in Cyber Security, and our Bachelors of Science in Cyber Security program. We’re going to be starting in just a little bit. We’re going to give it […]

Why Maryville Online Information Session – Online Bachelor’s Degrees

“Why Maryville Online” is the perfect information session for those looking to obtain or finish their Bachelor’s degree online, at their convenience. Learn more about admission, tuition, and an overview of available online Bachelor’s degree programs from Senior Enrollment Advisor, Karen Tucci. Transcript Sarah Frost: Excellent. Thank you so much. Again, my name is Sarah Frost, I’m a marketing manager here as part of the Maryville team. Thank you for joining us for the Why Choose Maryville Online Webinar and information session this evening. I just wanted to go over a few housekeeping items before we begin. Today, you’re in […]

Frozen Tuition and More Choices Open Maryville to More Students

Students aren’t just returning to Maryville University’s campus this fall. They’re also firing up their WiFi connections nationwide  and enrolling in the university’s online programs, too. The reason for this growth? The university’s unwavering commitment to making higher education as accessible as possible. Accessibility starts with affordability. Graduates cannot thrive if saddled with a crushing debt load upon receiving a degree, which is why Maryville extended a tuition freeze for the 2018-2019 academic year. The freeze holds costs steady for all undergraduate and most graduate programs offered by the university. The decision to continue the freeze comes at a time […]

Career Guide for College Students with Disabilities

Finding a career after graduating college can be a daunting prospect for many students, but it can be especially challenging for students with disabilities. Students with physical or emotional disabilities may face greater challenges, including: Discriminatory hiring practicesFear of disclosing disabilities during the application or interviewing process for a jobInadequate education regarding disability rightsLack of career counseling or mentors As a result, recent graduates with disabilities are approximately 40% less likely to find employment after graduation than those without disabilities, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Career counselors can help students throughout each stage of the job application and interview […]

11 Modern Marketing Skills for Business Innovators to Master

Technology and social media have made a profound impact on marketing over the past few years. So much so, that small business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers may need to update their skill sets to properly engage with he next generation of consumers (Gen Z) while effectively leveraging progressive technologies. Want to learn new marketing techniques to help you speak to GenZ? We can help. Get Program Details Gen Z’s Purchasing Power Gen Z is currently one of the largest consumer groups. 73.6 million Americans fit this group, defined by those under 18 that were born after 2000. This represents 22% […]