In late April 2017, a seemingly innocuous Facebook post went viral. To partake in the fun, Facebook users simply list the names of 10 musical events/concerts they had attended in person at some point in their lives. Nine of those concerts should be true, and one is supposed to be a lie. Once posted, friends could comment on which concert they believed to be false. The problem with the “10 Concerts I’ve Been To, One Is A Lie” post is that it provides a wealth of information that hackers can use to log into personal accounts and steal the identities […]
Brand identity is more than a logo or a catch phrase. For business owners, brand identity is a confluence of things. It is the intersection of commerce and psychology, of communication and design, of intent and reality. In this instance, brand identity can be defined as the outward-facing value and mission a given business promotes through descriptive language, organizational tone and visual illustration. Here are 5 ways brand identity can help your business: 1. Consumer perception Aside from their own experiences, today’s consumer has the ability to learn about an organization through digital opinions, perceptions and feedback provided by others. […]

Consumers across the country use credit cards every day, but even with technological developments in card security, a user’s confidential financial data can still be compromised. One of the answers to this threat is Europay, Mastercard, and Visa (EMV) microchip technology. Certain credit and debit cards now contain a visible chip that helps further secure a customer’s financial information beyond the magnetic stripe on these cards. Although gaining in popularity in the United States, the wider implementation of the chip has yet to constitute a cure-all, as payment card fraud remains a considerable hazard even with this new technology, leading […]
Transcript Kelnita Pierson: When I looked at the program, I looked at the coursework, I looked at the structure of the program and this, by far, was the best for me. Jill Lane: And I stalled for a while shopping around programs. Then, I landed on Maryville and everything I read about the program and everything I learned, I was like this is exactly what I want and what I need. Dobbie Herrion: I started at another institution which was a Ph.D. program. Didn’t quite fit my lifestyle and kind of where I was in life. And when I learned […]
As more and more companies fall victim to cyber attacks, the demand for employees who can manage and prevent these digital infringements are in extremely high demand. Cisco, the worldwide leader in information technology and networking, estimated the number of cyber security job openings at one million, according to a 2015 report. Moreover, the demand for cyber security professionals is expected to climb to six million by 2019. “Cyber security hiring challenges will be impacted by the Internet of Everything (IoE), which represents an unprecedented opportunity to connect people, processes, data, and things,” the same report explains. “While IoE will […]
As undeniably advanced cyber security has become, in many respects, it’s equally impossible to refute the idea that it still has quite a way to go. This has been made evident to business, financial and tech security breaches, hacking incidents and mass identity thefts that have been documented. From consumer retail and payment processing to health care and software, virtually no commercial sector has gone unaffected by this phenomenon. In order to fully understand what vulnerabilities may need to be faced in the future, it’s important to examine the circumstances regarding some of the biggest and most damaging hacks and […]
A quick glance into the respective futures of data science, information technology, business, and industry would reveal a common thread – artificial intelligence. 2016 alone saw substantially increased activity in the realm of AI in the form of machine learning acquisitions by major tech corporations, the launch of several AI platforms by companies such as Amazon and Google, and significant levels of investment in AI startups. Students currently enrolled in a software development degree program are in an advantageous position to develop the skills and experience that will make them attractive to tech companies looking to fill AI development, data […]
Enjoying quantitative analysis could indicate a good match for pursuing a master’s in business analytics or a master’s in data analytics. In the last few years, the number of graduate programs in data science has grown from only a handful to more than 170. “Our research shows that more companies today are formalizing the role of data scientist, one specifically dedicated to generating game-changing insights from the growing mass of data in the organization,” says Michael Lock, in the April 8, 2016, article “Is a Big Data Degree Really Worth It?” on The vice president and principal analyst at […]
Yesteryear’s image of software developers designing office programs for the two basic platforms, PC and Mac, has gone extinct. Today’s software developer could work on anything from cloud integration to Internet of Things (IoT) development, automotive computers, mobile apps, or cyber security. The entire business world is migrating to a fully digital, online, data-driven universe and software must be developed to facilitate each stage and each function of that universe. Developers’ responsibilities now include cloud PaaS (Platform as a Service) development, iPhone and Android environments, machine learning algorithms, business development, and globalization. Constantly evolving and adapting to new technology and […]
Software developers serve as the creative and technical masterminds behind many of today’s popular technology tools, from mobile apps for personal use, to data solutions that help address real-world problems such as climate change, to any number of digital breakthroughs. In developing and testing computer software applications, software developers perform a wide range of activities, including analyzing user needs; applying computer and mathematics principles in their designs; creating specifications; enhancing existing software systems; and collaborating with hardware developers, project managers, and others involved in the software development process. Software developers also monitor software development trends as the demand for technology […]