
Industries of the Future: Finding Careers in High Demand

The U.S. workforce is changing. Key forces driving its transformation include ongoing advances in technology, an aging population, and a shift in energy consumption in response to climate change. While the technological, social, and economic factors reshaping future industries and the labor force present challenges for workers and employers alike, they also create exciting career opportunities for those who prepare to meet them. Robots and automation, for example, are predicted to displace some 20 million manufacturing jobs by 2030, according to a study by Oxford Economics. However, automation has the potential, over time, to create as many positions as it […]

Achieving Work-Life Balance: The Ultimate Guide

Work-life balance is a desirable goal that we tend to fall short of attaining. Meeting the demands of a heavy workload and maintaining healthy relationships outside the office, including your relationship with yourself, are equally important. Favoring one over the other can cause stress and negatively affect a person’s mental and physical health. Thanks to technology’s ability to blur the lines between work and life through smartphones and social media, achieving work-life balance can feel tougher to do than ever before. If you struggle with maintaining a work-life balance, you’re not alone. Americans as a whole have a tough time […]

Best College Majors for the Future: Defining Your Path

Choosing a college major is among the most critical decisions prospective students will make in their lives. Identifying a field that’s both interesting and practical can keep students engaged in their coursework while improving their post-college career prospects. In today’s competitive job market, students looking to land well-paying jobs are wise to consider their end goal from the beginning. Deciding on the right course of study to prepare for a rewarding career means knowing which careers are in demand. Jobs with six-figure salaries are on the rise in growing industries such as healthcare and technology. While some senior positions require master’s […]

The Future of Higher Education: Looking Ahead

Overall enrollment in colleges and universities may have declined in recent years, but enrollment in online education programs continues to trend upward. According to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, roughly 17.9 million students were enrolled at postsecondary institutions in the fall of 2019, falling below 18 million for the first time in a decade. A year later, overall postsecondary enrollment dropped another 3.3%. Conversely, in the fall of 2018, 16.6% of all undergraduate and graduate students studied exclusively online, up from 15.7% the previous year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Additionally, in the fall of […]

Organizational Leadership and the Future Development of Project Management

Project management demands a creative mind combined with a passion for organization to effectively develop, plan, and implement a project. Successful project management also requires leadership skills such as clear communication, defining goals, team building, assigning tasks to appropriately skilled team members, motivational expertise to create a committed workforce and a collaborative atmosphere, and the ability to schedule strategically to meet deadlines. In addition to staff guidance, the future development of project management (PM) will involve utilization of the latest technology — often cloud-based, but also including artificial intelligence (AI) and social collaboration tools. Completing a business degree at Maryville […]

Dr. Lombardi: College admission and SAT/ACT scandal shows importance of access

In the wake of a highly publicized federal investigation into college admission, there’s renewed focus on inequity in the entry process. But the national approach to college admission is evolving — and Maryville University is ahead of the curve. Dr. Mark Lombardi, president of Maryville, spoke recently on the admission scandal, discussing the future of college entry, the viability of SAT and ACT scores, and Maryville’s philosophy on accessibility. “The reality is, every young person, if given the opportunity at different colleges and universities around the country, can be successful,” Dr. Lombardi said in a recent appearance on the Carney Show […]

How To Write a Scholarship Essay

Image Source  Paying for college is a top concern for many students in America today. Even just a generation ago, a student’s primary concern was more about getting into the college they preferred, instead of about being able to afford college at all. Now, young students are trying their best to budget and save up in order to afford a college education, and are planning ahead for how they will pay off their student loans. As important as FAFSA is for most students, there are other options available to help students pay for their college education: mainly scholarships and grants. […]

Senior Living: Housing Information, Resources, and Programs

Americans are living much longer today than they did even 50 years ago. As life expectancy increases, the challenge of caring for an aging population increases as well. In order to meet this challenge, some young people are going into careers in senior living, choosing to take care of their elders in specialized settings designed specifically to cater to a wide range of needs. The World Health Organization identifies both the prevention of certain chronic illnesses and greater access to medical care in developed nations as driving forces behind the growing elderly population. As people are able to stave off or completely avoid […]

Smart Money Management Skills for College-Bound High Schoolers

Developing smart financial skills and habits will give college-bound high school graduates a strong foundation. First, they must assess what college costs will be and figure out how to cover them. Learning practical money management skills and budgeting will allow them to sustain their efforts through their course of study. Understanding the scope and responsibilities of managing their finances and being able to plan for the long term will help them reach their goals in college and beyond. To learn more, check out the infographic below created by Maryville University. Setting Goals and Budgeting: Assessing the Costs of College and […]

Stress in College Students: Recognize, Understand, and Relieve School Stress

For many people, college can be a notably stressful time. What you may not realize, though, is that it doesn’t have to be that way. Earning your bachelor’s degree can be a rewarding, exciting period where you see progress in both your professional and academic life. In fact, college can include some of the best years of your life. Sometimes stress can be a good thing; it helps us to focus and really get things done under pressure. However, if we’re stressed too often, the biological response starts to take a toll on our bodies. Meanwhile, chronic stress can make […]