Beginning Fall 2022 Maryville University to Offer Credentials in Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. Additional credentials will be offered to create deep tech-focused educational options for students interested in high-demand computer science careers. Monday, May 16, 2022 — Maryville University is launching three new high-tech online academic programs for the fall 2022 semester. All three credentials are geared toward preparing learners to design, implement, operate and maintain tools and technologies that will impact the future of businesses and organizations across industries. The programs are: Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Fundamentals of AI Undergraduate Certificate in Blockchain […]

Tables of Contents What Is Advertising?6 Common Types of Advertising Paid Search Advertising Social Media Advertising Display Advertising Native Advertising Print Advertising Broadcast Advertising Your company’s product is so good that you’re sure customers will clamor for it the moment they learn of its existence. How do you cut through all the noise and competition for their attention to tell them about it? In a word, advertising. Businesses have been advertising for as long as there have been businesses: The oldest record of advertising is a scrap of papyrus dated to 3000 B.C. in which an ancient Egyptian named Hapu […]

Eating for brain health offers numerous benefits. A diet that includes brain-healthy foods, such as berries and dry-roasted nuts, has been shown to reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease and slow the aging of the brain by more than seven years, the Mayo Clinic reports. Eating healthy while studying — as opposed to grazing on candy and potato chips while drinking soda — is also beneficial. Snacking on certain types of processed foods can lead to a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, which can prompt the body to speed up the production of insulin to keep blood sugar levels […]

The union membership rate among American wage and salary earners was 10.8% in 2020, 0.5% more than in 2019, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Despite the small increase, overall membership numbers in the U.S. have been declining for the past few decades, dropping from 17.7 million union workers in 1983 to 14.3 million in 2020. Controversies surrounding unions have pushed away many workers wary of high dues, corruption, and lack of personal autonomy for union members. Nonetheless, Americans today should carefully consider the pros and cons of union membership before deciding what’s right for them. To learn […]

Tables of Contents First Impressions: The Social Media Resume Your Social Media Resume Marketable Skills List How to List Social Media Skills on a Resume How to Improve Your Social Media Skills Make Your Social Media Resume Stand Out Marketing professionals know how crucial social media is to brand and customer engagement, which in turn drives sales and profits. To be effective, social media campaigns have two goals: to create a conversation with customers about a company’s products and services, and to produce measurable results. A successful social media resume showcases a job candidate’s experience in planning and executing social […]

Tables of Contents What Is Exercise Psychology?Positive Effects of Exercise on Mental HealthExercise Tips for Improving Mental HealthHow Can an Exercise Psychologist Benefit You?Finding Balance in Your Exercise Regimen According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 15% of adults in the U.S. are physically inactive. Lack of physical activity is a contributing factor to chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, various forms of cancer, and obesity. An additional risk of physical inactivity includes increased feelings of anxiety and depression, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Most people know about the physical benefits of exercise, but […]

Military families move every two to three years, the United Service Organizations (USO) estimates. Military spouses, especially those who work outside the home, experience numerous challenges in relocating so frequently. Compared with non-military spouses, individuals married to active-duty service members are more likely to be unemployed or underemployed, according to a 2021 report by Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness. More than 50% of those polled said employment opportunities were often an issue, and 18% of respondents said employment challenges for spouses led service members to consider separating from the armed forces. But military wives, husbands, and partners having trouble finding […]

Tables of Contents What Is Literacy Development?Language and Literacy Development in Children5 Literacy Development StagesLiteracy Development in Early ChildhoodEarly Literacy Development Stages in Children The benefits of physical activity for a person’s health and longevity are well documented. However, not everyone is aware of the many health benefits of the most common form of mental exercise: reading. Reading stimulates brain development in children and adults and promotes social and emotional skills that contribute to healthy lifestyles.Reading reduces stress and symptoms of depression; it lowers readers’ blood pressure and pulse rate, and it reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and late-life […]

As recently as 2018, according to the Global Health & Fitness Association, the fitness industry was worth an estimated $94 billion — a valuation that fluctuated wildly with the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020. Since then, fitness brands and gym chains have scrambled to adapt to a new reality where digital, remote exercise options replaced traditional in-person workouts. ClassPass, one of the world’s largest distributors of remote class options to fitness clubs, currently has over 30,000 club partners in the U.S. alone, with a presence in over 27 other countries, demonstrating the demand for the ability to work out from […]

Since its debut in the 1980s, esports has drawn increasing numbers of players and spectators. In 1980, the first official esports tournament took place in Los Angeles, when 10,000 gamers faced off in Atari’s Space Invaders Championship. Today, millions of people around the globe watch esports games. Modern technology allows gamers and streamers to play or watch from anywhere with an internet connection. With millions of viewers interested in watching the very best at their games, professional esports athletes — Olof “olofmeister” Kajbjer Gustafsson, Ian “Crimsix” Porter, and others — draw huge crowds and sizable cash prizes. Members of teams […]