Cybersecurity is a top concern for today’s business owners and technology executives, and with good reason. In the first half of 2020 alone, 36 billion records were exposed due to data breaches, according to a report generated by the firm RiskBased Security. Hackers are aware of common vulnerabilities that plague businesses and organizations, keeping cybersecurity professionals constantly on their toes. As the ability to access cyberspace expands due to tech innovations, the number of cybersecurity issues organizations may face also grows. Organizations and cybersecurity attacks Cybersecurity attacks can happen to any organization at any time. In 2020, established organizations such […]

Whether it’s yoga sessions, movie nights, one-hour projects, or one-on-one meetings, workplace culture is a combination of the values, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs that influence the social climate of an organization. A healthy workplace culture emphasizes the well-being of the employees. Individuals working in a healthy environment have a clear understanding of the organization’s mission and vision and know the value they bring to the team. Improving workplace culture starts with leadership. Executives, managers, and supervisors are responsible for setting the tone and articulating the values of the organization to everyone on staff. While a Master of Business Administration (MBA) […]
Companies of any size can be easily taken down without the proper cybersecurity precautions in place. While small and medium-sized companies are especially vulnerable, even big corporations cannot be complacent. Cybersecurity measures are, therefore, important for every business to prioritize. Here are 4 factors to keep in mind when securing your workplace. Encourage Employee Training No matter how well your business’s software defenses work, there is always a chance for a hacker to get into your system. Required training for anyone who has authorized access to a company system is paramount for a successful cybersecurity plan. This includes the ability […]

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 209,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs in the United States. Internationally, the numbers are even more staggering. According to the Global Information Security Workforce Study, the shortage of trained and qualified cybersecurity professionals around the world is projected to reach 1.8 million by 2022. Demand in this field is booming for many reasons. Cybersecurity is still an emerging field, and with the rapid digital transformation over the past 20 years, the supply of qualified professionals doesn’t match the increased demand. Technology becomes more advanced each day, which means criminal hackers are constantly […]
The multiple aspects of human personality are deep rooted and complex. Personality is a product of nature and nurture: who we are genetically, how we were raised, and the experiences that have formed our lives. The way we function in the world is as unique as our own personal DNA. The American Psychological Association defines personality as “individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.” Personality impacts everything we do in our lives, including how we interact with information and others. Both of which have a direct impact on the way we learn. MBTI®, FFM and VARK® Human […]

For today’s educational leaders, one ongoing challenge is to provide a quality learning experience for students while keeping the price of tuition affordable. As institutional expenditures continue to rise, University and College leadership continue to look for ways to be fiscally efficient, while also providing a positive experience for the student, from enrollment through graduation and beyond. Using the right data, in the right way, can help institutions and leaders keep up with this ongoing challenge.
A fence specializes in the sale of stolen goods, buying from thieves and selling to (often) unsuspecting buyers at a higher price. E-fencing involves selling stolen goods or information online through marketplaces ranging from mainstream sites such as Ebay or Amazon to gray-area avenues including Craigslist or private social network groups to secret marketplaces on the deep web. Despite the challenges of policing online marketplaces, security experts and web developers are implementing measures that will make selling stolen goods online more difficult. Who Steals What, And How Do They Fence It? Thieves steal to make money, and they quickly learn […]
Technology is a consistently evolving field. While this is certainly great for end users who are constantly having their problems solved, those actually working with these tools very often find that it’s difficult to keep up with the latest changes. This is nowhere more apparent than within cybersecurity. Much like other technological fields, hacking innovations don’t come out of nowhere. They build upon previous iterations, trying to improve what worked before and leaving behind what didn’t. In this way, many of today’s threats are both extremely familiar and yet entirely new. Regardless, those working in cybersecurity have a duty to […]
Economic volatility is a fact of life – and an omnipresent one for business leaders and managers. With forces like globalization, shifting regulations, evolving tariff and tax laws, surges in supply and demand and technological disruption routinely upending the conventional wisdom that guides many business owners, the reality of economic instability means that all new entrepreneurs are assuming a significant risk by stepping into the fray. The key factor that separates economic volatility from some of the other risk factors that businesses face is that economic volatility takes place on a significantly larger scale and involves drivers that the individual […]

Ethical hacking, sometimes known as penetration testing, involves purposeful hacking into a computer network by a qualified data security expert to test for vulnerabilities within a system’s critical infrastructure. A certified penetration tester with the full knowledge of all parties involved is typically under contract to perform the audit. Business, commerce, financial transactions, records, and communication are almost all web- or cloud-based now. Hackers utilize their skills to bypass safety protocols and enter secure networks to install malicious software or steal money, goods, and sensitive information. They can change records, exploit weaknesses, and otherwise wreak havoc on businesses, computer users, […]