
Calculating Your Next Move: Mathematician vs. Physicist Careers

For millennia, humanity’s brightest minds have contemplated the nature of the universe. Over time, the concept of scientific thought came into being, with societies all over the world making major contributions to the fields of biology, chemistry, economics, anatomy, astronomy, history, and beyond. Those major areas of study have multiplied into countless subfields, each with scientists dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and advancement of humankind. But none of it –– those scientific fields, the great thinkers, or history itself –– would exist without the fundamental laws of the universe, the physics that drive interactions between every molecule, quark, atom, […]

Motion Graphics vs. Graphic Design: What’s the Difference?

In November 2013, parody musician “Weird Al” Yankovic reached out to visual artist Jarrett Heather to create a music video for an upcoming song. When Yankovic’s Mandatory Fun album dropped the following July, Heather’s 500 hours of design work went public, and his video for “Word Crimes,” featuring animated text, received more attention than the song itself. Heather’s work is one example of how visual design artists, such as those in the fields of motion graphics and graphic design, can make a product stand out. Motion graphics and graphic design artists use computers and technology to create purposeful visual art, […]

Copywriter vs. Copy Editor: What’s the Difference?

Though they aren’t the names on the spines of the books in your library, copywriters and copy editors form the core of the commercial writing profession. Students interested in the field may be confused about the two careers. Copywriter vs. copy editor: What exactly is the difference? What Does a Copywriter Do? Copywriters dedicate themselves to attracting readers. Through well-crafted copy, copywriters can help a business sell a product or educate a consumer on a particular subject. They may work for advertising or web content agencies, possibly brainstorming advertising ideas or creating storyboards for visual media, or within companies managing […]

Compare & Contrast: English Major vs. History Major

Language arts and history are two of the oldest academic disciplines. Well before they studied cyber security or bioengineering, students focused on the development and use of language and the lessons of those who came before them. Though modern-day colleges and universities offer a vast array of concentrations, English and history remain popular. Those who earn bachelor’s degrees in English and history receive a well-rounded liberal arts education, which they can use to step into a job right after graduation or build upon through master’s or PhD level studies. Each degree can offer rewarding learning experiences that open new doors. […]

Actuary vs. Underwriter: Using Math to Manage Risk

Insurance is a necessary part of life. With car, health, vacation, home, and life insurance all available, it’s hard to avoid purchasing it in some form. Most of us can’t afford major unexpected costs, such as emergency surgery, so insurance companies exist to pool money and payout to those who need it. Yet, insurance companies are for-profit businesses that must ensure the money they bring in will cover any payouts they make. Two types of professionals who help insurance companies determine whom to cover and for how much are actuaries and insurance underwriters. They figure out what a policy is […]

Actuary vs. Financial Analyst: Crunching the Job Numbers

Modern computers have immense processing power. They can run algorithms that contain millions of data sets, produce complicated results as spreadsheets or 3-D graphics, and simplify the most complex information. But no matter how powerful computers may be or how intelligent their calculations become, human interpretation remains important. There is still the need for educated, trained individuals who can analyze data-focused information and understand its real-world impact. Actuaries and financial analysts are two professions that are at the heart of data interpretation. Both careers rely on smart, analytical problem-solving with a background in data and statistics. Let’s learn more about […]

Careers in the Digital Age: Actuary vs. Data Scientist

From a non-specialist’s point of view, distinguishing between an actuary and a data scientist can be difficult. Both rely on in-depth data processing. The results that both generate are used to better understand the present and predict future circumstances. Even given their commonalities, these two professions exist as distinct specialties, each with their own career paths and requirements. What Does an Actuary Do? Actuaries are common in any field that relies heavily on risk management. An actuary uses statistics and mathematics to determine the risk level of a particular prospect or circumstance. Assessing risk is an integral part of many […]

Math in Action: Explore a Master’s in Statistics vs. Data Science

Modern industry relies on mathematics in the form of data. Data helps organizations track trends, identify opportunities, and make improvements in their processes and business models. Organizations across industries look to professionals who understand data and know how to interpret it to help drive success. If you’re excited by the exploration of data and ready to advance your career, pursuing an advanced degree might be the right next step. Master’s degree programs in both statistics and data science explore how data can put math into action, but their paths vary. There are several differences to consider when weighing a master’s […]

Behind the Numbers: Mathematics vs. Economics Degree

The influence of mathematics and economics is wide-ranging, often changing companies and even entire industries. If you love working with numbers, are data-driven, and enjoy finding creative solutions to real-world problems, either professional path may prove rewarding. Mathematics and economics degrees overlap in many ways that students may find exciting. In fact, many economic theories stem from mathematical models. While each of these important disciplines emphasizes data collection, analysis, and solutions-driven applications, there are some vital points where these two degrees — and their corresponding careers — diverge. If you are comparing a mathematics vs. economics degree, you should understand […]

Helping Out on Different Scales: NGOs vs. Nonprofits

Across the globe, millions of organizations are making the world a better place. They work in major cities and remote areas — in some of the wealthiest nations on Earth, as well as some of the poorest. These organizations assist individuals, small businesses, communities, and governments. They work in medicine, education, public health, human rights, foreign policy, environmental protection, and more. Nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) play an influential role in both local and global affairs. They range from massive, multinational organizations with thousands of employees and many more volunteers to grassroots movements in a single neighborhood. Though NGOs and […]