
Future of Big Data in Business: How Data Analytics Provides Insight

Data collection worldwide is rising at an unprecedented rate. Alongside this massive growth is a need for talented professionals who can analyze the data and draw inferences from it. According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), the collective sum of the world’s data could add up to 175 zettabytes by 2025. To put that in perspective, if you were to download all 175ZB using the largest hard drive available today, it would take 12.5 billion hard drives to complete the task. The future of big data points to more digital growth, and almost every industry depends on how information is […]

Exciting Accountant Technology for the Future

Technological trends have changed how professionals conduct business and will continue to shape the future of every industry, including accounting. Businesses measure success in numbers, which is why accountants are in such high demand. However, if you choose to pursue an accounting degree and advance on this career path, it’s important to stay up to date on the latest technologies that can make your professional life easier — and make you a better accountant. Being adaptable, future-focused, and comfortable with accountant technology can help you stand out in this highly competitive field. Accounting technology trends to keep up with Whether […]

Trends and Skills for the Future of Research

Technological advancements have made it easier than ever for organizations to access large amounts of data. However, with this information overload comes the challenge of managing, analyzing, and reporting on the data. Organizations are increasingly relying on professional researchers and research analysts to turn these large amounts of data into information they can use to make strategic decisions that will positively impact business operations. Career Outlook for Researchers Career opportunities in the research field are diverse and span a variety of industries. A social science researcher may focus on areas like healthcare and unemployment, conducting interviews and surveys to collect […]

Tomorrow’s Tech: The Future of Cyber Security at a Glance

If you’re online, cyber security has a direct impact on your life. And with rapid innovations taking place across information technology (IT), cyberspace, and the devices we use on a daily basis, it’s more relevant now than ever. Looking to the future of cyber security, increasing automation is connecting our lives and storing vast amounts of our sensitive data in the cloud. As a result, knowledgeable cyber security professionals who can respond to a complex digital ecosystem are in demand. In the last several years, high-profile attacks have exposed weaknesses in the current cyber security landscape, pointing to opportunities for […]

How Future Police Officers Will Adapt to Trends in Law Enforcement

Criminals of all types are now turning to the internet to commit crimes. Individuals are stealing credit card information from online shoppers, running digital blackmail schemes and other scams via social media, and even participating in the sale of guns, drugs, and other illegal items on the internet. Future police officers will need to know how to address these issues and hold criminals responsible for their illegal online activities. Social media monitoring for crime prevention It’s not just the criminals who are making the most of social media platforms. These sites contain data that enables police to more effectively fight […]

How Criminal Justice Professionals Will Fight Future Crimes

Technology has transformed how law enforcement agencies are protecting communities. From body cameras and advanced GPS tracking to drones and social media data, advancements in technology give law enforcement professionals new tools and techniques to fight crime. As these useful technologies become more prevalent in everyday policing, criminologists and criminal justice professionals need advanced skills and experience to better mitigate future crimes, including predictive policing, computer forensics, and technology for community policing. Trends in the Future of Law Enforcement Effective implementation of new technology for criminal justice professionals requires extensive training and support. According to a report from Nuance, over […]

Forging New Connections: The Future of Social Media

Social media is more than a fad; it’s a way of life. It’s how individuals and influential brands speak to each other, potentially gaining followings of thousands, if not millions, of their peers. While social media platforms have existed since the mid-90s, the release of Facebook in 2004 marked its transition into an established part of our culture. These days, you’ll be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t have a social media account. Their ease of use and the ubiquity of camera-equipped mobile devices allow people to interact instantly and constantly from around the world, sharing everything from the mundane […]

Future Trends in Business: What Tomorrow’s Leaders Should Know

Staying up to date on industry trends is a cornerstone of strong business administration. Monitoring trends enables businesses to stay competitive, as a 2022 report in Forbes noted, including being able to: Recognize new consumer behavior Remain apprised of what competitors are doing Comply with changing regulatory requirements Future trends in business will shape how technology and business intersect, influence the marketing landscape for all types of enterprises, and set the stage for the introduction of new products and services that consumers will demand. As future business leaders, individuals who are enrolled in a bachelor’s in business administration program can […]

Careers in Demand for the Future: Preparing Students

The world of work is changing quickly. As technology evolves, so do the needs of the job market — and the types of careers in demand for the future. Being prepared for that future starts with understanding the industries with the most potential for tomorrow’s job seekers, the careers within those industries that are in high demand, and the skills you’ll need to thrive on the job. Overall, the U.S. job market is promising; the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a 4% increase in employment between 2019 and 2029. Leading the pack of the best careers for tomorrow’s […]

The Future of Information Technology

Almost every aspect of today’s world involves information technology, from the economy to business to our day-to-day lives. We can send information to the next cubicle or across the world in an instant. Devices connect us to our health, homes, and families more than ever before. The future of information technology lies in the educated professionals who develop and implement it. What Is Information Technology (IT), and What Are Some IT Trends? The IT field continues to shift and grow to meet the needs of an evolving modern era. In short, IT refers to the complex web of systems that […]