
How the Future of Fintech Is Shaping Financial Services

The reinvention of the financial industry to meet 21st-century needs has resulted in a merger of finance and technology — creating the field of fintech (financial technology). Fintech businesses have emerged to deliver services traditionally offered by banks and credit unions, providing expanded access and increased competition. To equip finance leaders of tomorrow with required skills in data, information technology (IT), and other critical competencies, university programs in finance increasingly gear their curricula toward innovations in fintech. If the opportunity to be on the cutting edge of a new field excites you, it’s worth considering an online degree in finance. […]

What Is PR? A Guide to Understanding Public Relations

Business people holding speech bubble devoid of text.

Whether you call it an art or a science, public relations is a craft that requires undeniable skill, knowledge, and determination from those who choose to work in the industry. This field mixes emotion and logic to succeed, and can be equal parts demanding and satisfying. The field continues to grow, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects there will be 22,900 new public relations positions created from 2016 to 2026 — which should provide ample employment opportunities for anyone interested in public relations. The Definition of Public Relations The Public Relations Society of America defines public relations as […]

Understanding the Me Too Movement: A Sexual Harassment Awareness Guide

The “Me Too” movement, which focuses on the experiences of sexual violence survivors, has earned a large response in part because sexual harassment and sexual assault impact people every day. What is the Me Too movement? The Me Too movement is an effort to effect social change, organized primarily through social media, where it’s often expressed as #MeToo. Originally founded in 2006, it became prominent both online and in the mainstream in late 2017, when several high-profile actresses opened up about their experiences with sexual harassment in the film industry. Since then, the movement has provided a source of solidarity for […]

Financial aid, scholarships, and resources for Hispanic and Latino students

Latino and Hispanic students are a rapidly growing demographic who face many unique challenges and opportunities in education. For many of these students, attending college is often not economically feasible, which means they may not pursue higher education due to a lack of financial resources. However, due to the rapid growth of this population, as well as a desire to increase representation in higher education and the job market, many different resources and scholarships are becoming available to help Latino and Hispanic students afford college. In this resource, the demographics of Hispanic and Latino students will be explored, as well […]

Smart Advertising and the Future of Digital Marketing

In the age of smart TVs, smartphones, and smart refrigerators, it makes sense to have smart advertising. Today, consumers experience personalized, targeted ads that cater to their particular interests and demographics, rather than ads that are not relevant or useful to them. To deliver this type of personalized experience, it takes a digital marketing professional who can leverage the latest advertising trends and technologies, including smart speakers, data-driven creativity, local influencers, and marketing automation. The future of marketing belongs to those who are able to use these tools to improve and personalize the customer experience. Earning an online bachelor’s in […]

Future of Online Shopping: Evolving E-Commerce Trends

The ubiquity of internet access has leveled the retail playing field, making it easy for individuals and businesses to sell products without geographic limitation. In 2020, U.S. e-commerce sales, receiving a boost due to the COVID-19 pandemic, grew 44% and represented more than 21% of total retail sales, according to e-commerce information source Internet Retailer. The growth of e-commerce has not only changed the way customers shop, but also their expectations of how brands approach customer service, personalize communications, and provide customers choices. The future of online shopping depends on savvy professionals who can create a personalized, engaging virtual shopping […]

The Future of Education in the Digital Age

Technology has a long history of impacting how students learn, going back to the early 19th century with that potent visualization and organizational tool: the blackboard. Two hundred years later, education is undergoing rapid innovation, driven this time by digital technology supercharged by COVID-19. Prior to the pandemic, virtual learning was already beginning to reshape how teachers teach and students learn. But stay-at-home orders for working parents and students caused K-12 and higher education to be immersed en masse in remote learning. Teachers and other education professionals looking to understand how technology has changed education, and develop skills to deal […]

Best Master’s Degrees for the Future: Planning Ahead

Master’s degrees can provide professionals with a competitive edge over their peers. However, the reasons to invest in a master’s go beyond landing that senior-level role or getting a nice boost in pay. A graduate education enriches a professional’s career by providing the knowledge and skills to fully embrace the challenges inherent in unique, rewarding job opportunities. It also can prepare individuals to be a trusted, authoritative voice in their respective industries. Best Graduate Degrees for the Future A graduate degree does more than prepare you for a career: it can turn you into a game changer whose knowledge and […]

Assessing the Future of Online Education and Other Education Trends

The number of students enrolled in online and distance-learning programs has been rising steadily since 2002. “The growth in distance learning has been relentless,” said Julia E. Seamon, research director at the Babson Survey Research Group (BSRG), an organization that tracks distance education enrollments. “They have gone up when the economy was expanding, when the economy was shrinking, when overall enrollments were growing, and now when overall [college and university] enrollments are shrinking.” A Brief History of Online Education Trends Distance learning isn’t new. According to Forbes, the first correspondence degrees became available at the University of London during the mid-19th […]

Guide to Effectively Marketing to Generation Z

Ask any marketing or communications professional to create a new campaign or strategy, and one of the first questions he or she will ask is, “Who’s my target audience?” Effective marketers know that it’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the audience they’re trying to reach, from general demographics and core values to communication preferences and online habits. And while marketers have given a lot of attention to understanding the millennial audience, there’s a new generation for marketing professionals to begin to target: Generation Z. These frugal, tech-savvy, and socially conscientious youths are coming of age, and with billions […]