Scholarships and College Guide for Native American Students

Scholarships for Native Americans are an essential resource. In 2016, data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey showed that income among Native Americans is substantially lower than that of the general U.S. population. Native Americans also suffer poverty at higher rates than the general population.
For many, a bachelor’s degree can help to secure a stable job with income above the poverty level, while a master’s degree or another advanced degree can help boost income. Native Americans especially can benefit from higher learning, taking advantage of colleges and programs designed to help overcome institutional biases.
Statistics About Native Americans in College
As the following statistics show, Native Americans are finding it difficult to access and graduate from higher education institutions.
High School: A high school diploma or testing equivalent is essential for any individual who wants to go to college.
- According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 75% of Native American students earned a high school diploma in 2006, which was 16% less than Caucasian students and 18% less than Asian/Pacific Islander students.
- In 2006, Native American students between the ages of 16 and 24 had the second-highest drop-out rate in the nation.
- In 2005, 36% of Native American students completed core high school classwork requirements, compared with 52% for all other students.
- According to Partnership with Native Americans, the average graduation rate for Native American freshmen students is 70%, which is 12% lower than the national average.
- For Native American youths enrolled in Bureau of Indian Education schools, the graduation rate is only 53%.
- According to the Postsecondary National Policy Institute (PNPI), 63% of Native American high school students don’t talk to a school counselor about classes they should take or their aspirations after high school.
- According to Partnership with Native Americans, 17% of Native American high school students go on to postsecondary education, compared with 60% for all other students.
- According to PNPI, college enrollment rates for Native American students dropped from 23% in 2015-16 to 19% the following year.
- In 2000, 30% of Native Americans aged 25 to 29 had earned their bachelor’s or associate degree; in 2017, that number fell to 27%, compared to 54% for Caucasians.
- Native American full-time students who began attending college in 2008 had an average completion rate of 23%, compared with 44% for Caucasian students.
- According to Partnership with Native Americans, only 13% of Native Americans have a college degree, compared with 28% for other Americans.
Funding for College
- According to PNPI, 62% of Native American students need federal student loans, compared with 56% of Caucasian students.
- In 2011-12, 85% of Native American students accessed federal grants, compared with 69% of Caucasian students.
- According to Partnership with Native Americans, 35% of Native American youth grow up in impoverished households.
Challenges Faced by Native Americans
Native Americans face a number of challenges on the path to a college education. Since they are more likely than others to come from poverty-stricken families, affording college is tough. When Native Americans do find a way to afford college, whether through scholarships, grants, or loans, they still may have a hard time affording textbooks, lodging, and other necessities.
Other barriers to education for Native Americans include the distance of reservations from universities and a lack of reliable internet access on reservations, meaning it’s tough to take classes online. Furthermore, Native American students who are used to being surrounded by tribal members find themselves underrepresented in a sea of unfamiliar faces at college.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, less than 1% of faculty at colleges was Native American in 2005. Native American students on campus can have a hard time coping with a lack of community and cultural familiarity from faculty. Moreover, Native Americans may face discrimination — intentional or unintentional — from peers and faculty.
Native American Scholarships and Grants
There are many scholarships and grants for Native Americans. Below, you’ll find qualification information, as well as information on the best scholarships and grants.
Proving Native American Ancestry
To qualify for aid based on your Native American ancestry, you must be a member of a federally recognized tribe. Each tribe is a sovereign nation with self-governing power, meaning each tribe has its own criteria for determining membership status. Once your membership status is confirmed, the tribe issues a tribal I.D. card or writes an official letter.
One way to prove your status as a Native American is to obtain a Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB). Eligibility for a CIB depends on your blood quantum, which is the percentage of Native American blood you possess. Your blood quantum does not depend on DNA tests; instead, you must be able to prove your lineage. If you can provide birth certificates, including your own, your parents’, and, optimally, your grandparents’, you can get a CIB from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) office nearest to your tribe’s location. If your grandparents’ birth certificates are not available, send their names and approximate dates of birth.
The BIA provides a guide to tracing your ancestry. The BIA merely acts as an intermediary between tribes and the federal government. The best way to determine your Native American status is to research your genealogy and provide the evidence to your tribe of predominant descent.
Fill Out Your FAFSA
In addition to providing proof of ancestry, many scholarships and other forms of aid will require you to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Your FAFSA tells aid-granting organizations information they need to know, such as when you plan on attending college, the schools you’d like to attend, and your financial needs.
American Indian Services (AIS) Scholarship
AIS is a nonprofit organization in Salt Lake City dedicated to creating programs and raising funds to promote education for Native Americans, with the goal of honoring culture and heritage.
Scholarship Qualifications and Requirements
- Proof that you are at least one-quarter blood quantum (Native American heritage) and a tribal member
- Minimum 2.25 GPA your first semester of college and maintained thereafter
- Completed FAFSA
- Must be either planning on attending college or already attending, and you don’t qualify if you’ve been to college before and earned a degree
- Provide a photo of yourself, a biographical letter, your proof of heritage, the official tuition billing statement from your college, and an official untouched transcript along with the online application
AIS does not specify the scholarship amount. For more information, contact AIS directly.
Association of American Indian Affairs Scholarship
Founded in 1922 and headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, the Association of American Indian Affairs (AAIA) is the oldest nonprofit dedicated to supporting the culture and sovereignty of Native Americans.
Scholarship Qualifications and Requirements:
- Proof that you are an enrolled member of a tribe from the continental U.S. or Alaska; blood quantum evidence not required and your tribe does not have to be federally recognized
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Must be enrolled to attend college full time and seeking an associate degree or higher
- Provide proof of tribe membership, most recent school transcripts (does not need to be official), and a 2-3 page personal essay on one of the topics in the application
AAIA does not specify the scholarship amount; around 11 to 12 applicants end up winning the award each year. Visit the AAIA scholarships FAQ page for more information.
Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars, Inc. Scholarship
The Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars is dedicated to preserving Native American records and historical sites and works to foster cooperation between tribes, as well as the enforcement of treaties.
Scholarship Amount: $5,000
Scholarship Qualifications and Requirements:
- Proof that you are an enrolled member of a tribe
- Plan to work as an educator or social services provider for a tribe or Indian American nation
- Acceptance to attend or current enrollment in an accredited college/university, preferably entering your junior year
- A 3.0 GPA
You must submit your application by June 15. Contact the scholarship chairman for more information.
Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarships
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is a nonprofit, politically neutral organization dedicated to historical preservation, education, and patriotism. There are two scholarships you can apply for.
DAR American Indian Scholarship
Amount: $4,000
Qualifications and Requirements:
- Proof of Native American heritage
- Minimum GPA of 3.25
- Can be any age and at any stage of education to qualify, but preference is given to undergraduates
Frances Crawford Marvin American Indian Scholarship
Qualifications and Requirements:
- Proof of Native American heritage
- Minimum GPA of 3.25
- Must be enrolled full time at a two-year or four-year college
DAR does not specify the scholarship amount.
Indian Health Service Scholarship
Indian Health Service (IHS) is a Department of Health and Human Services agency that provides federal health services to Native Americans and Alaska Natives. The IHS offers scholarships for Native Americans who are planning on going into careers in health, such as those seeking a bachelor’s in healthcare management.
All scholarships require applicants to be current members or descendants of a federally recognized, state-recognized, or terminated tribe. You need to have a minimum 2.0 GPA, and all scholarships also require you to fulfill a two-year commitment at an American Indian health facility upon graduation.
To qualify for the Preparatory Scholarship, you must be enrolled in prep or undergraduate prerequisite courses for entry to a health professions school.
To qualify for the Pre-Graduate Scholarship, you must be enrolled in courses that will earn you a bachelor’s degree in a health profession.
To qualify for the Health Professions Scholarship, you must be enrolled in a program seeking a degree in a health profession.
All IHS scholarships pay the cost of tuition, required fees, and educational and living expenses.
Indian Higher Education Grant Program
The Indian Higher Education Grant is financial assistance offered by the Bureau of Indian Education.
Qualifications and Requirements:
- Must be an enrolled member of an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe or at least one-quarter quantum blood
- Must be accepted to attend a college offering two-year or four-year degrees
- Must demonstrate financial need
To apply for this grant, contact your tribal leader.
Truman D. Picard Scholarship
The Truman D. Picard Scholarship is offered by the Intertribal Timber Council, a consortium dedicated to the proper management of natural resources important to Native American communities.
Scholarship Amount: $2,000 for graduating high school students, $2,500 for college students, $2,000 for grad students and graduating college seniors.
Qualifications and Requirements:
- Proof of enrollment in a federally recognized tribe or Alaska Native tribe
- Three letters of reference
- A two-page application letter stating interest in natural resources and dedication to education, community, and American Indian culture
- Official or unofficial copy of latest transcripts
- A copy of your resume
Download the scholarship announcement to apply.
Native American Tribal Colleges by State
Since many Native Americans live on reservations, higher education may be less accessible than it is for those who live in cities or suburban areas. Tribal colleges aim to give Native American students access to an education nearer to home. Below, you’ll find a list of tribal colleges and their locations.
100 Stevenson Street
Barrow, Alaska 99723
907-852-3333; AK only 1-800-478-7337
1 Circle Dr.
Route 12
Tsaile, AZ 86556
Tohono O’odham Community College
P.O. Box 3129
Sells, AZ 85634
Haskell Indian Nations University
155 Indian Avenue
- O. Box 5030
Lawrence, KS 66046
12214 W. Lakeshore Dr
Brimley, MI 49715
Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College
111 Beartown Rd.
Baraga, Michigan 49908
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College2284 Enterprise DriveMount Pleasant, MI 48858989-775-4123
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College2101 14th StreetCloquet, MN 55720-2964218-879-0800
Leech Lake Tribal College 6945 Little Wolf Road NWCass Lake, MN 56633218-335-4200
504 SE Boundary Street
- O. Box 819Browning, MT 59417406-338-7755
1 College Dr.
- O. Box 98Lame Deer, MT 59043406-477-6215
605 Indian Ave.P. O. Box 159Harlem, MT 59526406-353-2607Fort Peck Community College P. O. Box 398Poplar, MT 59255406-768-6300
8645 South Weaver DriveP. O. Box 370Crow Agency, MT 59022
406-638-3100 (main number)
Salish Kootenai College P. O. Box 117Pablo, MT 59855406-275-4800
8294 Upper Box Elder RdRR1, Box 1082Box Elder, MT 59521406-395-4875
Nebraska Indian Community College 1111 Hwy 75 P. O. Box 428Macy, NE 68039402-837-5078
601 East College DriveP. O. Box 270Winnebago, NE 68071402-878-2380
New Mexico
Lowerpoint Road, State Hwy 371
- O. Box 849
Crownpoint, NM 87313
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
9169 Coors Blvd
- O. Box 10146
9169 Coors Road, NW
Albuquerque, NM 87184
505-346 2347
North Dakota
Cankdeska Cikana Community College
- O. Box 269
Fort Totten, ND 58335
Fort Berthold Community College
220 Eighth Avenue North
- O. Box 490
New Town, ND 58763
1341 92nd Street
Fort Yates, ND 58538
Turtle Mountain Community College
10145 BIA Road 7
- O. Box 340
Belcourt, ND 58316
United Tribes Technical College
3315 University Drive
Bismarck, ND 58504
College of the Muscogee Nation
2170 Raven Circle
PO Box 917
Okmulgee, OK 74447
South Dakota
490 Piya Wiconi Road
Kyle, SD 57752
- O. Box 105
Mission, SD 57570
BIA Rd 700, Agency Village
- O. Box 689
Sisseton, SD 57262
2522 Kwina Road
Bellingham, WA 98226
N172 Hwy 47/55
- O. Box 1179
Keshena, WI 54135
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College
13466 W. Trepania Rd.
Hayward, WI 54843
P.O. Box 8300
Ethete, WY 82520
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